SI Pulau News

Here is all the news and information about the SIPULAU Information System

Study of Islands in Morowali Regency, 28 Islands Now Accepted Status

The agenda for review activities in 2023 will be carried out in Central Sulawesi Province

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Picking up the ball, BIG conducts island confirmation process in several provinces in Indonesia.

In the context of administering topographic names according to Government Regulation Number 2 of 2021

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Addition of 27 New Islands in Regency Review of Island Topographic Names in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province

Addition of 27 New Islands in Regency Review of Island Topographic Names in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province

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How to Collect Data of Island Geographical Names ?

How to Collect Data of Island Geographical Names ?

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Pertemuan UNGEGN Asia South-East Division ke-10 Indonesia Serahkan Tongkat Kepemimpinan ke Brunei Darussalam

Pertemuan UNGEGN Asia South-East Division ke-10 Indonesia Serahkan Tongkat Kepemimpinan ke Brunei Darussalam

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Indonesian Island Status Affirmation

In the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are 16,772 islands that have been registered and have codes. Meanwhile, in the Gazeter of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021, there are 17,000 islands whose names have been standardized.

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Temu Kerja Penyelenggaraan Nama Rupabumi: Langkah Awal Menuju Pelestarian Nilai Budaya

Badan Informasi Geospasial menggelar Temu Kerja Penyelenggaraan Nama Rupabumi Nasional yang dilaksanakan secara daring. Kegiatan akbar ini mengundang pemerintah pusat yang terlibat aktif dan pemerintah daerah (Pemda) dari seluruh Indonesia

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Mapping nature - climate change resilience and managing deforestation with geospatial data

Ordnance Survey (OS) mempunyai sebuah kampanye bertajuk 'Everything Happens Somewhere'. Ini adalah sebuah kampanye kepemimpinan yang berupa pemikiran dari stakeholder- stakeholder IG mengenai bagaimana Informasi Geospasial dapat berdampak .....

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