Study of Islands in Morowali Regency, 28 Islands Now Accepted Status

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 2:43 PM

Atika Kumala Dewi

The agenda for review activities in 2023 will be carried out in Central Sulawesi Province. This activity was carried out in Morowali Regency on 19 – 23 March 2023. This review activity is an advanced stage of island data collection carried out by the Center for Marine and Coastal Environmental Mapping which will be carried out in 2021.

During the activity, the accompanying team from the Center for Marine and Coastal Environmental Mapping (PPKLP), BIG was welcomed by Mr. Rizal as Assistant I for Government Administration and People's Welfare of Central Sulawesi Province, who was followed by the head and staff of governance, representatives of the fisheries and marine services, as well as transportation department representative.

At the opening of the review activity, instructions were given to all district governments in Central Sulawesi Province to participate in the review activity using the SINAR application properly. The hope is that this activity will serve as a forum for information regarding the island's topography through an application between the district government, provincial government and central government in coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs. "This island's topographical name data information can be used jointly by the government and society at large," said Mr. Rizal.

Added by Mr. Asep, as Head of Governance (tapem), "Morowali has many islands so data on these islands needs to be known by all stakeholders." Morowali hopes that all information systems, including information systems related to the name of the island's topography, can be integrated into the Morowali district government website.

For your information, a week before the review activities began, tapem held a meeting to discuss data on 32 islands from BIG. The Village Government through the village head has confirmed the island data provided. The name of the island which was previously still blank/unnamed has been written down. The Bete-bete Village Head could not be present during the review so further confirmation is still needed regarding the name of the island in Bete-bete village.

Based on the results of the review process of the 32 islands studied, it was found that 28 islands had been successfully reviewed and their status was accepted, and 4 islands were still postponed because confirmation was still needed from the local community.


Study of Islands in Morowali Regency, 28 Islands Now Accepted Status

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